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CR Presides Over Enrolment Ceremony of 208 New Advocates
HW Sarah Langa Siu(Chief Registrar) giving her remarks at the enrollment

On Friday May 28, 2021,the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, presided over the enrollment of 208lawyers as advocates of the High Court at the Judiciary Headquarters in Kampala.

The mass enrollment was split into two sessions to observe the COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures. The process entailed the new officers of court registering their names on the roll of advocates and receiving practicing certificates.

With their new practicing certificates, the advocates can now appear in Magistrates Courts for a period of one year. Thereafter, they will be eligible to appear before the High Court. 

In both shifts, HW Langa encouraged the young lawyers to work with passion, honesty, integrity and observe ethical conduct that befits the calling of advocates. 

She also urged them to never forget their duty to the court, clients, and the community. Adding that legal practice requires due diligence, patience, professionalism, self-respect and the fear of God.

The same message was echoed by Ms Pheona Nabaasa Wall, the President of Uganda Law Society (ULS) who implored the advocates to be faithful, available, and teachable in their practice. "By this inherent initiation, you are endowed with the cardinal responsibility to be faithful at your duty in the fight for justice," Ms Wallsaid.

In addition to entreating the lawyers to register with the ULS, she also reminded them that upon admission to the Bar, they are enjoined to conduct themselves inconformity with the Advocates Act and all regulations made thereunder.

She urged them to be faithful in their conduct as advocates whilst avoiding engaging in any conduct that could bring disruption or disrepute to the court.

Speaking on behalf of the Uganda Law Council, Mr Aaron Motoka briefed them about the code of conduct that they are bound to as Advocates of the High Court and shared tips on how to excel as a lawyer.

One of the new officers of court, Mr Tumwesigye Jordan, moved a vote of thanks on behalf of his colleagues, thanking the Chief Registrar, ULS President, and there presentative from Law Council for the well-packaged messages to set them off on their career path.

Posted 28th, May 2021
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